For anyone who is unaware, there is a recycle program at Camp Zoe known as "The KZG." The KZG, or The Keep Zoe Green recycle and litter-control team, is
dedicated to creating an environmentally friendly venue for music,
outdoor/camping activities, and fun at Camp Zoe, home of Schwagstock! KZG members will be stationed at trash cans and recycling barrels or around the campground handing out bags. Please remember to recycle all your rinsed out bottles and cans in the white recycle-only barrels. All other non-recyclable waste goes into the blue trash barrels. Keep your campsite tidy and please do not litter around the campground.
Thank you so much for your cooperation in keeping zoe green! For more information about The KZG or how you can help, contact Teya at keepzoegreen@gmail.com
Thanks again!
KZG (green shirts) - 350 Parade at Spookstock 8 - www.350.org |